Sole Agents For Puncture Safe - Puncture Preventative And Tyre Life Extender
Puncture Free
Puncture Free
Extra Heavy Duty Grade, very high quality, manufactured using the same principles of chemistry applied in our unique high speed grade, but at a very low price

After being mainly focused on the very high speed vehicle grade for many years because we manufacture a very technical product for that specific market, we have now developed a high quality off road and trailer grade using the knowledge acquired over time, but we have done this at a much reduced cost for everyone. It was because of problems with many of the present tyre sealants in that market and because of requests from our customers that we made this decision. We are now committed 100% to this Low to medium speed market.

This grade is suitable for all Off Road vehicles, Touring Caravans and Trailers - tubed & tubeless.

The only contact your caravan or trailer has with the road is through its tyres. If your tyres are not safe, then quite simply, your caravan or trailer is not safe to be towed.
McCarthy Motors
Dublin Rd.
Co. Kilkenny